Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Need a little help here Partners ..... is there such a handicap as 'Geography Dislexia'??

We all recall the several geographic blunders uttered publicly by our esteemed POTUS, His Obamanationess hisself.  We're talking about Fifty-Seven States in the USA and such like. You know, those gaffes that the MSM loves to replay over and over when Sarah or W sez 'em, but not when 'The One' does.....

But last nite, on one of his more meaningful public appearances (compared to cardboard appearances in front of cardboard people at colleges and workplaces) he really showed his ...... uh, er, um. lack of understanding of these United States over which he presides.

To be specific, he placed Charleston SC, Savannah GA, and Jacksonville FL all down on the Gulf Coast!!!  Yessir - dunno where Houston, New Orleans and Mobile fit in now - maybe they are being moved up to the New England coast in his next proffer!

For those of you who don't want to use up four minutes of your life listening to this blather - just go to the 2:50 mark... if you doubt my words....

The man must really love this country! Wonder if he makes the same geographic mistakes when talking about ..... never mind - I'm not going there.....

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