Saturday, August 3, 2013

'Altruistic Group of the Year' -- La Raza? I think NOT!!!!

With Congress going on their summer recess, (they don't call it a month vacation...) they will be greeted by constituent opposers to the Gang of Eight's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (AKA - Open Borders Act of 2013)

On the other hand, they will also find these meetings interrupted by the activities of the La Raza (The Race) organization, who vociferously demand passage of the new laws:

Clarissa Martinez of the National Council of La Raza, which supports legalization of all unauthorized immigrants, said a coalition of groups will host 360 different events in 52 congressional districts around the country during the recess.

One might look at La Raza's planned activities and say... 'My My, at least they are concerned and involved in the legislative process!'   But one might be wrong.  

As 'Deep Throat' once said. "Follow the money."
The bill provides a sizable slush fund for leftward groups in the immigrant serving, advocacy and lobbying business. As Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), puts it, the bill is "chock-full of de facto earmarks, pork barrel spending, and special interest sweeteners."

 Foremost among such groups is the  National Council of La Raza (meaning "the race," or alternatively, "the people"), a group that opposes current US immigration laws, defends illegals, and long promoted amnesty measures. It's also an organization with significant leverage at the Obama White House and its former senior executive helped draft the Senate bill.
La Raza is already a recipient of federal grants and contracts -- running at $8 million to $10 million per year -- and would arguably be at the head of the line to receive new funding.

Section 2537 of this Schumer-Rubio sausage grants $150 Million bucks in slush funds for La Raza and similar groups to round up illegals and help them get their amnesty, citizenship and of course, Democrat Voting cards.......

Life is Muy Beuno, Si?

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