Thursday, August 15, 2013

About that new North Carolina picture ID voter registration idea.....

All of the usual suspects and race baiters are crying FOUL!!  'Ain't no need, there ain't no voter fraud in North Carolina. This is just voter suppression among minorities!!"

That might be true if the Minorities they are talking about are the 'old folks'.   I see in this year old report in the Examiner, that in 2012, 758 voters OVER THE AGE OF 112 voted. I understand that on the entire planet, the oldest living person is 114 --- so North Carolina must surely be the second coming of the Fountain of Youth!! 2660 folks over 110 voted in that same election......

Oh, and by the way, of those 758 Very Senior citizens, 583 voted as Dimmocrats.  

No voter fraud here folks, move along - nothing to see!

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