Sunday, March 10, 2013

Twitter & Facebook are not in my working vocabulary ---

..... here are a couple of examples why ---

A friend of mine told me: "I used to wonder what it'd be like to read other people's minds. Then I got a Facebook account, and now I'm over it!"

How strange people are... btw, I've come to the conclusion that those women I see walking aimlessly up and down grocery store aisles chatting on a telephone are really -- just chatting with each other!

"Hi Maud, I'm over here by the corn flakes in the breakfast cereal aisle. Where are you?"

"I'm in the soda pop aisle trying to decide on Diet Coke or Pepsi One!"

"Okay - well, I'm moving over to potato chips, talk at chu later!"

What a wondrous world we live in........?

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