As the Republican party slowly drifted rudderlessly along. losing votes, losing seats in the House & Senate --letting the Dems and Obamanation wash them along, somebody needed to put gas in the engine and a spark in the cylinder chamber......
With RINO-in-Chief, Johnny Mac and his feckless Sancho Panza (aka.. Lindy Grahamnesty) speaking on behalf of the Party on every Sunday talk show and any time they could beat Chuck-you Schumer or Turban Durbin to a microphone --- the public sighed and remembered better days..
THIS WEEK, however, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) stood up on his hind legs on the floor of the US Senate and filibustered for 13 hours in a simple effort to get Obamation to firmly state his position on drone attacks on unarmed American citizens in the USA.
Hardly, a complicated question - and one which should have been obvious to a fourth grader reading the 5th Amendment to the Constitution of the USA with regards to the right of all citizens to 'due process'.
THIS SAME WEEK, with a tenacity not normally witnessed in the gentleman's club we know as the US Senate... Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) spent a half hour grilling the man with the lawyer's lips and the dancing toes, attorney general Eric Holder, before he finally got him to say the words out loud --- 'No, it would not be legal for the POTUS to order a drone attack on an unarmed American on American soil."
Sooo, what do the Good Old Boys do? Do they heap praise upon these two freshmen senators for shining the spotlight on the administration's lack of frankness? Hell no!
Johnnie Mac, exhibiting his usual lack of literal or intellectual acumen -- called them both, "Wacko birds". Grahamnesty chimed in with his usual ditto remarks....
Now keep, in mind, both of these silver haired denizens of the Senate cloak room were still wiping their chins from dining on the expensive, tax payer paid for dinner that Obamanation set before them in a DC hotel the evening before. A repast, I might add, that they shared with ten other old GOP bulls at the very time that Rand Paul was facing the late hours of his filibuster.
Ole' Pecoz ain't got a word for those two that I can print in here -- but hopefully, this weeks act will wake up the rest of the sleeping conservatives in the GOP and cause them to grab their pitchforks and scythes --- and rebuild the party before it goes the way of the Bull Moose Party, Whigs, and the rest..
I reckon our first indication will be at the upcoming CPAC convention in DC next week!
Stay tuned.... a wake up call or a death knell?
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