Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Will the sun rise tomorrow morning, if Sequestration cuts in tonight?

I am so blamed tired of Obamanation and all his half-assedqualified underlings running around screaming the sky is falling, or will fall if this disastrous Sequester (Obama-planned) goes into effect tonight at midnight. 

Homeland Security is gonna release 10,000 illegal alien criminals.... and on and on, you've read them all, I won't repeat the 700,000 job layoffs, falling bridges, babies yanked out of incubators, etc..  Hell, it sounds like our reasons for running Irag out of Kuwait years ago.

Let me instead simply post a graph created and promulgated by the Congressional Budget Office.... a bi-partisan bean counting department.

Take a look at that graph from 2013 to 2023 -- even with my glasses on, I can't find one glitch, hiccup, or even level area where the federal budget doesn't continue to rise over those ten years....... can you?  

From $3.7 TRILLION this year to almost $6 Trillion in automatic increases over ten years.  Does this sound like a budget plan that would cause you to turn off the electricity and water in your house?

Going up, up and away!
Give me a break!   Oh, and please share this graph.....

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