Monday, November 12, 2012

All kinds of things about this coming December!!

See something strange about this month?
Looks like any other month, right?  Wrong!!   Look again, December 2012 has 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays, and 5 Mondays.  That ain't gonna happen again for 824 years and I ain't sure I'll be around for the next one. 

According to Chinese legend, and Feng Shui, if you send this to all your friends and enemies you will prosper. If you don't, tough tamales! (or is that Tough Fried Rice?)

Now then, Pilgrims, I don't believe all that stuff......  but on the other hand, one can't be too careful -- so I'll post it here for all my friends and enemies to eyeball.

After all, doesn't the Mayan Calendar predict the end of the world in December 2012..... gotta cover those bets.......     (especially after what happened November 6th)

(Thanx and a Tip-O-The-Stetson to fellow vet Bob Snyder fer the heads-up)


Edward said...

On the contrary, it looks like December 2007, December 2001, December 1990 and December 1984. And looking to the future, December 2018. In other words, these particular "three fives" happen far more often than once every 824 years.

Pecozbill said...

You are absolutely right, Edward.. as several e-mailers have pointed out.. this calendar event happens much more often then I said.. I am remiss in my sourcing....

I stand corrected, and will apologize in December 2018 or whenever, if I am able.....

Thanks for the comment...