Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Who is the most powerful man in the United States of America?

That's your question for today, Pilgrims. I'll share my opinion in a minute, but think about the possibilities.... Obamanation hisself? Holder? Maybe Panetta over at DOD?

How about Speaker of the House Boehner? Even dingy little Harry Reid, the Senate Majority leader.

In the media, it might be Chris Matthews, but I doubt if the only two people who watch him regularly would agree....... right Mr & Mrs Matthews? In entertainment it used to be Oprah, but unfortunately her power went down the toilet with her ratings after her 2008 presidential endorsement (which I note is lacking this year). Sean Penn? Maybe in Venezuela, but not here.

No friends..... I submit the most powerful man in America today sits on the Supreme Court...... and not at the head of the table -- nope, not Chief Justice John Roberts!

The most powerful man in America is Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy!

Think about it, each day for nine months a year, Justice Kennedy decides the fate of this nation by which side of the bed he rolls out of. With the Court evenly tied between four lock step, unthinking, left wing liberal robots and four lock step, right wing constitutionalist justices - the Ninth Justice rules the roost.

Does he climb out of bed on the left side and vote with Sotomayor, Kagan, Ginsburg and Breyer --- or does he swing out of bed on the right side and vote with Alito, Roberts, Thomas and Scalia?

On most issues, their votes are a given -- predictable: one side admits that they see the constitution as old and outdated and subject to modern changing interpretation in accordance with the best of modern European traditions... and the others read the case presented - refer to the Constitution of the United States which they took an oath to support and protect (along with those others) and vote accordingly.

My, My - what power. The fate of the nation rests in the hands of a 'moderate' California lawyer who rose from the ranks of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

How scary is that? Do you really think that our brilliant forefathers ever saw this turn of events? (BTW, he's the second from the right, seated next to Ginsburg. Picture doesn't show his scepter and crown - does it???)

Speaking of body language - does Ruthie Ginsburg look like she even wants to be associated with this group?

1 comment:

fishbowl said...

Not to be really serious but I believe that the "Shadow" is most powerful. Ur analysis is rather interesting and since the Justice is from Kalifornia, that explains his rulings.