Saturday, June 2, 2012

"Letters of Marque and Reprisal"

During the last few days, our POTUS (or his underlings) have caused a series of leaks to be published which purport to show the president as a strong and fearless military leader. This has been accomplished by the repeated 'spiking of Osama's head' like a football in the end zone.

This also been accomplished through the repeated reports that each Tuesday, Obamanation hisself worries over a kill list of accused and designated terrorists to determine who shall live and who shall die by way of unmanned drone attacks around the world. The repeated reports that his political advisor Axelrod attends these thoughtful sessions does not come in to play here.. so I won't mention that.

What does come into play here however, is the Constitution of the United States, you know - that document the POTUS swore to uphold and defend before becoming president?

Well now friends, that same Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, specifically grants that Power and responsibility directly on the Congress of the United States..... not the POTUS:

"To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;"

Nowhere to do I see that authority for Letters of Marque and Reprisal delegated or even hinted at as falling on the Oval Office.

It seems to me that the question of the day should be, "Why is Congress saying and doing nothing to demand that the president cease and desist these unconstitutional acts?"

This crosses party lines, it crosses ideological lines, it's a question of Constitutional Law that should be addressed --- and explained to the constituents who vote for those 535 members of Congress. All of whom appear to be sitting on their as.., er, hands.

If I am wrong, I eagerly stand to be corrected. If I am correct in my reading of that brilliantly written document, I eagerly await somebody in Congress standing up on their hind legs and saying so!

There is not much source material available that is not long and tedious -- when I decided to address this topic, I did find one succinct article on this topic and link you to it here.

Take a minute - it's your gob'mint, your Constitution, and your grand kiddo's future form of government that's at stake.......

When His BO'ness averred that he neither needed nor paid attention to the other two branches of gob'mint -- apparently we should have taken him at his word.

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