Sunday, April 8, 2012

A day for 'Homilies'......

Easter Sunday .... a day of refreshing our respective faiths, of resurrection and of................'Homilies'.

From the Pope, the Bishops, the Priests, the Preachers, the Rabbi's.... a teaching day as it were. Well, Pardners, your host ain't none of the above.... and I'm not even smart enough to stay in Holiday Express Inns... but I am smart enough to ask some questions on this day when everybody else seems to be spouting answers.

First the biggie:
1. Do you reckon that if the 535 members of the US Congress, the POTUS, and their thousands of tax payer funded suits wandering around Washington DC really wanted to turn our economy around --- that they couldn't do it in three and a half years? A three trillion dollar annual budget, the greatest national infrastructure on the planet, 200 million skilled and educated workers to pave the way -- and those Washington sap suckers can't even get out of their own way?

Which brings the second:
2. Do you reckon that the elected members of the US House & Senate, and that elected Suit in the Oval office has the best interests of the Nation at heart? Ahead of even their own personal ambitions, and biases?

Which leads to this last one:
3. Why are the American voters (sheople?) so blind to the damage being done to this country and to our children, grand children and great grand children, that this fall they will re-elect 90% of those who choose to run for re-election. And God help us, maybe even the Alinsky-Ayres created Manchurian Candidate on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue?

It doesn't bother me that we are the laughing stock of the world -- that we are the poster child for the 'shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves' expression; taking the wealth, strength and nationalism that the Greatest Generation left us ---- and squandering in a few short years.

What bothers me is that nobody seems to give a damn. Every voter is running to the ballot box with a 'handful of gimme's and a mouthful of I wants'.......

Okay --- I feel better now --- Happy Easter!! - I hope no bird poops on your bonnet!

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