Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why am I not applauding?

Last night, when the House of Representatives voted to approve the $2.4 Trillion Dollar debt ceiling.... they applauded themselves. I got to wondering why?

Maybe because they broke their own record..... it was the largest single debt ceiling limit in the 235 year history of our great Republic!!! Easily surpassing the previous record number of $1.9 Trillion increase set way back.......way back.......... whoops........ just last year and signed by Obamanation in February, 2010!!

Lets see now, my third grade teacher didn't even know what a Trillion dollars was - but the total of these two increases raised the nation's debt limit by $4. 3 Trillion in just 18 months. For you folks who like to look at the real number, that would be; $4,300,000,000,000,000!!!

Yessir, I can see why they would applaud themselves. They are true record setters. Just a few years ago, when Reagan was POTUS, the entire debt (not the increase) was limited to $2.35 Trillion... We've come a long way baby!

It would be scary enough to say that last night, every man, woman and infant in the United States of America became personally responsible for more than $7741 worth of national debt. However, since only half of the tax paying age folks actually pay taxes -- that amount of debt for each of us that actually pays taxes is -- drum roll here........... -$51,063 dollars!! Did you sleep well or wake up with a headache?

Remember now Pilgrims, that was just last night-- your share of the total nut now is; $355,319!! And that doesn't include another $114 Trillion dollars in US Unfunded Liabilities for Social Security IOU's, Drug & Medicare entitlements... add on another Million bucks for that!!

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