Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The smoke has cleared in Wisconsin......

.... this morning after yesterdays recall battle. For those of us fortunate enough not to live in the Wisconsin TV broadcast area, we have dodged the 24-7 political TV ads and half-truths! Out of state resources (read union headquarters - nationwide) have been shipping in their union member's hard earned dollars by the pallet load in an effort to unseat (recall) 6 GOP state senators who had the effrontery to vote for budget saving, taxpayer saving, anti-public union bills.

When it's all totaled up, upwards of $40 Million dollars will have been spent on these six little old State Senator races. To put that number in perspective, that's more than twice as much money as was spent on ALL 116 State Races in Wisconsin last year!!

Final score - GOP kept 4 of 6 seats. Dimmocrat Unions - won 2 of 6 races.

Bottom line - GOP maintains control of the Wisconsin State Senate, Ad agencies and TV stations got richer and union coffers got smaller.

But I would suggest this is not the time to celebrate winning anything more than a battle! The war between public service unions and the downtrodden tax payers will go on.... and on! The union bosses see this as a matter of the survival of their well padded fiefdoms and will continue to fight the battles with their members money - and efforts.

The question is, how many times can the unorganized taxpayers be motivated to come to the sound of the bugles and help stave off these tax robbing hordes coming over the walls........

Stay tuned, two more recall elections in Wisconsin next week!!!

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