Monday, August 8, 2011

Senator (I am a Vietnam Vet) Kerry is still frothing.....

That true patriot and Massachusetts Senator with Purple Hearts on his band-aids, Heinz-Kerry seems to have been wound up and sent out on his new courageous mission.

Since he is of no import in DC, the DNC left wing nuts just march him up to any cameras and microphones that Chuck-you Schumer hasn't already commandeered and starts spouting anti- Tea Party spittle.

Now Pilgrims, I have no idea why "Lurch of the Left" has this almost paranoid fear of the Tea Party, but somebody must have hit him in the face with wet tea bag when he was a kid and he's been afraid of them ever since!

Two recent cases in point:

On the Morning Joe show a couple of Friday's ago, he lambasted the media for giving equal time to the Tea Party. "It doesn’t deserve the same credit as a legitimate idea about what you do" I'll link you to the video, but before I do -- I wonder out loud what Big Haired John would say if Rush Limbaugh came on and made the same absurd statement about the Democrat Party -- Hell, he'd go berserk! Here's that link to Morning Joe through the Blaze.

Now, this weekend, he (and former and future Obamanation advisor) David Axelrod took to the Sunday morning talking head shows and ...... reading from the sam
e DNC crib sheet talking points stated affirmatively - "I believe this is, without question,the tea party downgrade." Click here for link.

Not only nonsense, but you'd think a United States Senator could serve a better purpose than just being a waterboy for Debbie Whuzzer-shootz of the DNC, wouldn't you?

And to think he almost became President -- whatta country!

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