Saturday, July 16, 2011

Your tax dollars at work.......... a tale of two oilers...

Way back when Ronald Reagan was POTUS , the Navy contracted for three oilers (fuel resupply ships) to be built. Two were 95% completed at a cost of $300 million$ of dollar$.

Alas, the last 5% was never completed due to ship builder's defaults and legal wrangling...

Now, after 25 years, the two ships, the Benjamin Isherwood and the Henry Eckford are being towed to International Shipwrecking Ltd in Brownsville Texas for scrapping and being dismantled.... Neither ship ever saw a day of active duty! Not one!!

Well, at least we'll get back a few of our tax bucks for the scrap metal and parts, 'eh? Not likely, mate!! As a matter of fact our brainiacs in Washington are paying a British company over $10 million to dismantle them!!

Go here for more if you suffer from a streak of masochism!

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