Monday, July 4, 2011

Some random Independence Day no particular order

1. The Boston Tea Party was resultant of a Threepence (3 penny) tax per pound of Tea shipped to the Colonies. I wonder what they would think of our taxes today?

2. During that Tea Party, 342 chests of tea were thrown overboard into Boston Harbor. I wonder what the fines from the Environmental Protection Agency would be if this were done today?

3. Massachusetts was the only colony to revolt against the tea tax.... all of the other colonies just refused the tea and shipped it back to England. But apparently the Gob'nor Hutchinson of Massachusetts (who had two sons involved in the transaction) liked the tax and refused to ship it back. Not much has changed in Massachusetts over the centuries, has it?

4. A few of the Tea 'Partiers' dressed up as Mohawk Indians with feathers. I guess if they re-enacted the scene now - to be more accurate - the Indians, recruited from local 7/11's would have dots on their foreheads.

5. A couple of items, verbatim, from the Declaration of Independence are"

"He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good."

"He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. "

Both of those items sound like they could have come from a 2011 Gob'nors conference, don't they?

There is so much that could be said --- but WTH!! , enjoy this Independence Day while you still can. Buy a mattress or something........

Oh, one final thought, our beloved but unsingable national anthem, Star Spangled Banner, which is either lip synched or mangled at every opportunity was adopted as our National Anthem as recently as March, 1931. Isn't it time to rethink it -- There are a couple of very singable, very beautiful songs out there we could adopt.... America, the Beautiful, God Bless America and more.

Happy Independence Day Fellow Americans.............

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