Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A "Profile in Courage"? ,,,,,,,,,NOT!!!!

Yesterday, the Minority Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell issued a proposal that would allow Obamanation to raise the national debt limit without a single GOP vote in Congress..... er something like that.

Honestly Pilgrims, I feel like even if I ain't the brightest bulb on the porch - I ain't the dimmest. But the convoluted reasoning that McConnell presented left my old head spinning. I thought maybe I was just dense..... so I started surfing around to find meaning to his political gobbledygook! It sure looked like 'duck and cover' to me.

Finally I came across Michelle Malkin's column.... which was headlined with this stick figure banging his head against the wall.... right away - I realized I was in good company in my thinking on this insanity.

Michelle, in turn, links to several other news sources and bloggers in an effort to find the truth, the light, and the way of the world...... one of which was Rich Lowry, who put it this way:

“It’s beginning to get out on the Hill. It’s complicated, but here is the gist as I understand it: Congress authorizes in legislation the president to submit a request for an increase in the debt limit in three tranches over the next year or so, with corresponding proposals for spending cuts; when the president submits his request, Congress immediately considers a resolution of disapproval; if the resolution passes, the president can veto it and–assuming his veto is subsequently upheld–he gets the increase in the debt limit. Got it? More later…”

So you see folks, like BO said the other day --- us millions of unwashed Americans just aren't smart enough or pretty enough or educated enough to understand the nuances of Washington legislative procedures.........

My suggestion to you - if you want to follow this bouncing ball of responsibility avoidance - is click here, to go to Michelle Malkin's column and start following the cookie crumbs before the jackdaws snatch 'em all up!!

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