Sunday, July 3, 2011

President of ALL the people?

During the last couple of years, I have been told by some of my left wing friends (yes I have a couple) to lighten up on the Administrations. The election is over, Obamanation and 'Bite-Me' Biden won!

They are now President and Vice President of all the people, so I should treat them as such. Be nice, do not say unkind things, do not point out areas in which I believe them to be more akin to Saul Alinksky Chicago thugs than the POTUS and VEEP of all the people.

I offer as exhibit #1, Joltin' Joe's comments to the Teamsters convention in Las Vegas on Friday. I'll try to quote him exactly and then link you so you can read the whole story!

"And don't any of you, by the way, any of you guys vote Republican," Biden said. "I'm not supposed to say, this isn't political. ...don't come to me if you do! You're on your own, Jack!"

These kind words, these non-partisan words, at a public meeting, of a public union, in a public hotel, after flying on the American Taxpayers (of both parties) Air Force Two to make the speech.

Somehow I don't feel guilty about my words, warnings and remarks these past two years. He has put us on notice who he thinks his bosses are and to whom he owes loyalty!

Here is that link to the whole story!!

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