Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A new take on the old 'Fox guarding the henhouse' story....

Certainly y'all recall when Obamanation tapped Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman & CEO of General Electric company as an White House Economic Advisor to jump start lackluster job creation in this country...... it was just this last January.......

January 31, 2011 - EXECUTIVE ORDER - ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL ON JOBS AND COMPETITIVENESS - "The PCJC shall consist of members appointed by the President from among distinguished citizens outside the Federal Government and shall include citizens chosen to serve as representatives of the various sectors of the economy to offer the diverse perspectives of the private sector, employers, and workers on how the Federal Government can best foster growth, competitiveness, innovation, and job creation. "

Now ain't that an admirable thing.... and Mr Jeffrey Immelt has proven his concern about jobs in this country time and time again since January -- why here is an announcement made just this week...........

July 25, 2011 - General Electric Co.'s health care unit, the world's biggest maker of medical-imaging machines, said it will move the headquarters for its more than 100-year-old X-ray business to China. GE will hire 65 new engineers and support staff at a new Chengdu facility; about 60,000 people work at GE Healthcare globally, including 820 in the X-ray business, said Benjamin Fox, a company spokesman. Of these, more than 5,000 are in China, including about 2,000 sales reps, Duan said.

Oooops, Durn!! That sounds as if Mr Immelt and GE is more concerned about job creativity in China than here in this ole' United States of America!

BTW, wasn't General Electric the outfit that just reported $5+ billion in profits and no U.S. Income Tax liability? --Zero? --Nada? --Zip?

(Thanks and a tip o' the Stetson - to retired Vet Dave, of Laurel Md)

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