Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lie Number #5

In a recent column discussing the "Five Lies We Have Been Beaten With Daily", Michael Hammond includes as Lie #5:


After listening for six months while our “tax fraud” Secretary of the Treasury whined about “default, default, default,” even the most stupid among us (see, e.g., MSNBC, the New York Times, etc.) now sometimes concede that the issue is not default to our bondholders, but rather a partial shutdown of the government.

(This hasn’t saved us from the spectacle of Congressman Steve King being grilled on MSNBC concerning whether he thought IRS-defrauding Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was a “liar.” I mean, seriously, is that a trick question?)

But the bottom line is that this is the same government that’s been smuggling guns to Mexican drug cartels, funds 324,000 abortions a year (while lying about it), and is currently trying to outlaw right-to-work states in its pursuit of the Boeing case. And, frankly, it may be that we need a little less of that.

But I do have one final plea: While a Fox “talking head” is explaining how government payments will be prioritized, could you drop the subscript which says something to the order of “DEFAULT LOOMS!!!”?

by Michael E. Hammond, former General Counsel Senate Steering Committee 1978-89.

The entire conscript of using the 'default' word is an insult to the American public. Signaled daily from the MSM, the Left Wing Nuts, and those with their agenda -- we are severely beat about the head and shoulders with it every day!

There isn't an accountant, bookkeeper, or high school graduate who doesn't realize that not raising the debt ceiling means nothing more than, guess what? Not raising the debt ceiling -- not borrowing more money. It has nothing to do with not paying our existing debt service.

They know, you know it, I know it, and they know you and I know it..... but they are betting we are too stupid to shout 'The emperor has no clothes!'

Raise your voices and shout Pilgrims!! -- hit those e-mail keys and shout!!

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