Friday, July 15, 2011

Gob'nor Moonbeam & his California dreamers do it again....

I'm not real sure of the numbers, but I am told that renting a U-Haul truck to go to California is about 1/10th the cost of renting one to leave. Something to do with supply and demand I reckon!

On top of driving all of the bid'nesses (and their owners and employees) out of the state with high taxes and over-regulation - leaving only the nuts, fruits, flakes and Hollywoodies to tie up the freeways..... Gob'nor Jerry Brown, the Chief Flake and his box of nuts have now decided:

Let India, Russia and other countries teach their children Math & Sciences. Let other education systems teach reading, writing & 'rithmatic! California schools aren't gonna waste valuable classroom hours on those silly subjects!! No Sir!

Effective January 1, all public schools in California will be required to teach students about the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender species of Americans! Yessir!! Starting in Kindergarten - straight through High School, they will examine the personal lives of heretofore non-famous Americans and put them under a microscope to see what they contributed to our society. Hmm, will this change them from non-famous to infamous?

Parents are protesting, scholars are aghast, but Jerry and his San Francisco treats are thrilled.

"To be or not to be?" will no longer be the question --- 'Was he or was she gay or lesbian?' is in!

Here's more, if you aren't already gagging.....

The only ray of sunshine in this bureaucratic left coast insanity is that California is already in such deep doo-doo ca-ca, they can't afford the new 'Gay & Lesbian Primer' textbooks until 2015. Maybe common sense will prevail between now and then............. naw - Pecoz - yer California dreaming!

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