Friday, June 17, 2011

Weiner may be the proverbial pony in the pile...........

By now, you have all opened the Drudge Report to see what's new and were greeted with the headline:


Like you I gasped, Keeerist - he's only been in Congress for 10 years. I read the article - it's all as I understand it to be....

Here's the pony!! Folks like you and me have been aware of this self delivered golden parachute congressmen have given themselves for years........ the public hasn't paid much attention.

But in the year of 2011, with general political discontent, with 16 million unemployed and another 20 million underemployed and God only knows how many without free health, fully funded retirement programs....... all of a sudden we have the poster boy for political perverts resigning in disgrace, still a young man, to keep from being terminated --- and the usually uncaring public gets this onslaught of flagrant Ruling Class abuse thrown in their face!

Who knows -- maybe it will deliver a wake up call? One can only hope!

Like I said - I see a pony!!!!!!

1 comment:

Fishbowl said...

Well Pecoz, seems the Demos are 2 faced..why didn't they jump on ole Slick Willie when he had his thing in the Oval Office...Double standards huh??