Thursday, June 30, 2011

Strip the old ladies in wheel chairs..... but let my people go!!!

Surely everybody in the Free World, or at least the USA, heard about the shocking TSA brown shirt methods in stripping the Depends adult diaper off the 95 year old lady traveler the other day. If you din't, you can skip this item - cause you probably don't know where JFK is either.....

Now it appears, a Nigerian man named Olajide Oluwaseun Noibi. using an expired boarding pass that belonged to someone else, boarded Virgin American Flight 415 and flew from JFK to Los Angeles this week.

It wasn't until after the flight took off that attendants realized an extra passenger was on board, officials said. During the flight, crew members asked Noibi for his boarding pass and, after hesitating, he handed over a boarding pass from the day before, KTLA quotes FBI officials as confirming. That boarding pass had another person's name on it.

Noibi allegedly told the crew that the pass was outdated because he had missed that flight a day earlier.

The man whose name was on the boarding pass later told FBI officials that the document had disappeared from his back pocket when he arrived at JFK International Airport on June 23.
(implying the boarding pass was stolen)

A search of Noibi's bags at LAX turned up more than 10 boarding passes with various individuals' names, none of which were his own, FBI officials said.

Story Link here.

Keep in mind, it was a Nigerian with a bomb in his pants that we have to thank for all of these full body X-ray scanners in all the airports. It wasn't a sick and dying old lady in a diaper!!!

Somebody needs to get a grip on this country, Pilgrims, --- we are losing it!!

A big 'Attaboys and Gals to the Flight crew --- they are a heck of a lot better at their job than Big Sis's losers are at theirs!

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