Monday, June 13, 2011

Sorry Pilgrims, no humor in this article today......

As far back as January 2008, when he wasn't yet even a nominee...... Obamanation pledged to bankrupt the coal companies along with anybody dumb enough to build a coal burning electrical generating plant...

The fact that such actions would increase all of our electric bills by at least 60% apparently bothered him not a whit! Well, I've often wondered why I guy who wanted to be nominated by his party and eventually elected POTUS would be so adamant and open about his ambitions, especially when they were so polar opposite to what this country really needs at this time...

I reckon I should have followed the sage advice of 'Deep Throat'..... and followed the money. I have a two step reading plan for you today - if you are interested. First click here to go to the home page of a humongous NUCLEAR ENERGY ELECTRIC COMPANY based in BO's home town of Chicago. After glancing at their home page and maps..... come back here and....

Take a few minutes and then click here to read Ed Lasky's very well written and very thorough column in Some of the dots get hard to follow --- but thinking back to the map, to the things that Obamanation has said and done ..... it all starts to come together..

Like many of you folks, I can forgive a zealot who believes in his dreams for pure reasons, however misguided he might be........ but I have a real problem with pseudo-zealots who have underlying money motives. Could this possible be use of the highest office in the land to create the nation's biggest and richest electrical energy company and the multi-billions of dollars that accompany such growth. A mega-billion retirement plan and personal funding source for his personal plans and ambitions for years to come?

After you've looked at Exelon and then read Lasky's article - you be the judge!!!

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