TSA Confiscates Mentally Challenged Man’s Toy
We can all sleep easier tonight knowing that Drew Mandy’s plastic toy hammer is in the trash rather than terrorizing passengers and crew on the plane he and his parents boarded for Walt Disney World.
If you’re looking for someone to thank for depriving a mentally challenged 29-year-old of his much-beloved security blanket, look no further than the Transportation and Security Administration.
Members of this feckless bunch sprung into action at Detroit Metro Airport when they first laid eyes on Mandy, whose parents say has the mental capacity of a 2-year-old. They singled him out for a special pat-down, which makes perverse sense of a sort: Special pat-downs for people with special needs.
Security personnel sensed they had sniffed out a troublemaker when they asked Drew to place his feet on a yellow shoe line, and he failed to comply. His father intervened, explaining that his son didn’t understand what they were asking, but the TSA ordered David Mandy to back off, explaining, “Please, sir, we know what we’re doing.”
They proceeded to pat Drew’s pants down, questioning the padding they found, which turned out to be his adult diapers. When the agents asked Drew to take his hand and rub the front and back of his pants so they could swab it for explosives, his dad tried again in vain to explain that his son suffered severe retardation, but the stalwart TSA refused to be deterred.
It was then that agents spotted the “weapons” Drew was attempting to smuggle onto the flight: a ball and a six-inch plastic hammer.
“My son carries his ball and his hammer for security. He goes everywhere with [them],” explained his father.
This item, from HOTAIR.COM, typifies our hardworking tax dollar sucking airport security forces..... it really makes us wonder ---- WTF????
Here is the rest of the story.... read it and weep!!!
What did Police Sergeant Jablonski used to say on Hill Street Blues? "Hey, let's be careful out there."
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