Tuesday, June 14, 2011

OKay Boys & Gals, what time is it???

Naw - it ain't Howdy Doody time!!

It's election time!! You can tell, Obamanation just got the urge to extend his carbon footprints (and our tax dollars) to flit over to Puerto Rico to rouse the rabble.... as it were. (Don't get excited, Puerto Ricans, I'm not calling you rabble - I'm describing Bo's intent!)

The second way you can tell it's election time -- the biggest spender the Oval Office has ever, EVER, hosted ..... has decided to appoint a Campaign to Cut Government Waste Commission, chaired by none other than that MENSA candidate from Delaware -- 'BiteMe' Biden, Prince of AMTRAK!

Don't even ask what happened to the report from the Simpson-Bowles 'Deficit Reduction Commission"? Any good Dim knows that the way to decrease government is to....... create another commission and grow it!!!

(Note - the inestimable Michelle Malkin led me in this direction)

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