Monday, June 20, 2011

Hot damn, I hate to link you to two video's in a row.....

...but this one is just to good not to pass on! Sit back, relax and enjoy some nice country music , Cousins....!!

Now, don't that make you all warm and fuzzy? Big Sis is looking after you! Some narrow minded evil folks might think that Sis is gay......... thus, ergo and hence the 'cop a feel policy'. I don't think that's the case --- I think she's just so powerful in her gob'mint job, and so homely in her personal life, that this is her expression of love.............

1 comment:

howardfrombroward said...

sure as heck hope the tsa folks are giving equal-opportunity inside-their-thighs and between-their-breasts gropes and up their colons to the cultural folks who were ecstatically jubilant while watching the twin towers collapse on 9/11/01. don't want to hear the shrill whining about someone's sentivities being offended by tsa after what america was put through--grope under the bhurkas, unwind the turbans and they can stfu.