Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Father's Day......

Two weeks from today is Father's Day!! A day celebrated in this land by either standing Pop out in the back yard all afternoon and missing baseball or golf on the TV as he grills steaks for dinner.

Alternatively, I see that Dad's good friends at Morton's Steakhouse are advertising a Father's Day special: A NY Strip Steak with potato OR vegetable (not both) and a piece of chocolate cake for the miserly sum of $69.00 plus tax plus tip! Coffee, Tea, an adult beverage, a salad, and a glass of wine would be extra of course.

Let's see now, Old Dad can be exiled out in the Sun all afternoon or pay a C-Note each to take the little wife and family to Mortons, where he will be shuffled into the bar to drink $10 drinks while he waits for a table...... what a deal!!

On the other hand, if he's on food stamps up in beautiful downtown Menominee Michigan (or a thousand towns just like it) he can eat like a king at home, and not pay a cent! Here is an actual receipt from February of this year -- you'll have to click on it to read the small print... have a handkerchief ready to feel sorry for these poor poverty stricken folks.

February 8th, 2011 - beautiful downtown Menominee Michigan!! Per capita average income, $20,725. Median house value - $66,000 ... Med gross rent - $469

Food stamp dinner fixins - Lobster Tail and Porterhouse Steak: Surf & Turf for six -- $141.78 (and taxpayers pay the bill. That receipt is for food stamp money)

A fine day in Angeli's County Market! I wonder how large the flat screen TV is that they'll watch the baseball game on and what model of Cadillac they drove to Angeli's Market to buy the steaks and lobster?

Is this a great country ........ or what?

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