Friday, October 8, 2010

Would someone tell Obamanation that the budget is in the tank and sinking.....

In addition to the TARP and the Porkulus bills putting our grandchildren in hock -- it seems that the Dem's - minding both houses of congress and the White House haven't heard that times are tough. Can you believe they are spending MORE money than ever on regular items?

"Basic government spending rose by 9 percent in fiscal 2010, driving the country to a $1.291 trillion deficit down $125 billion from 2009, but still the second-largest hole on record, the Congressional Budget Office said Thursday.

CBO said the 9 percent rise in spending for defense, social programs, entitlements and interest on the debt was "somewhat faster than in recent years" a stark evaluation at a time when President Obama and Congress are working to convince voters they are pursuing a fiscally frugal course in Washington."

Washington Times

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