Tuesday, October 5, 2010

To be 'Fair & Balanced' about politicians...

In my last post (next item down) I said unkind words about Charlie (No Shame)Crist.... Florida politician and opportunist....

To be fair and balanced, let me say a couple of kind words about one of his fellow Floridians, Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite of Florida's 5th Congressional District. This Republican lady won all four of her elections to congress by huge majorities since 2003 .... the seat is hers to keep. But she has term limited herself and is stepping down at the end of this session after four terms.

We'll all miss her presence and her votes --she has a 90% conservative voting record - but wouldn't it be great if ALL congress folks were term limited to four terms? Here is her latest news letter -- kind of tells it how it is --- and what she thinks.

As you read her words, ask yourself, "How does my congressman stand on these issues? Is he/she doing anything about them? If not, why not? Maybe it's time for a change on November 2nd!!

September 27, 2010

"The Tax Increases Will Continue Until Moral Improves"

These days, I don’t even know where to begin anymore. Every time they turn around, small business owners are facing a different threat from the government. President Obama claimed that his healthcare bill would not hurt small businesses. He even tried to sell people on the idea that it would help them.

But despite the promises, from the start, Democrats planned to pay for part of Obamacare on the backs of small businesses. One of the ways they did this was by creating a new rule. With the passage of Obamacare, every time a small business pays more than $600 for something, it has to file a separate 1099 form with the IRS. The idea is that the IRS will use small businesses to track down every last dollar in the economy. Why use small businesses? The answer is because they represent 99% of the businesses in the U.S. economy.

The outcry from entrepreneurs was unmistakable and Republicans set about to strike the provision as quickly as possible. And to maintain the fiction that Obamacare doesn’t hurt small businesses, the Democrats even went so far as to offer their own bill to strike the infamous 1099 provision. They even had the nerve to call it small business relief – from their own policies.

Unfortunately for the self-employed, the Democrats never passed that relief bill. Instead, realizing they needed even more revenue, they waited a few weeks and then decided not to remove the provision, but to expand it. And adding insult to injury, not only did they expand the number of activities requiring a 1099 to include things like homeowners collecting $600 in rent, they increased the fines for not filling out the 1099 forms correctly.

Like I said, I don’t even know where to begin.

Just because the President says a bill will provide loans to millions of small businesses doesn’t make it true. He said his housing programs would modify millions of mortgages and they didn’t. He said his stimulus bill would create millions of jobs and it didn’t. He said the bank bailout would get banks lending again and… you get the idea. I voted against the bailouts, the bogus housing bill, and the “stimulus” for many reasons, the simplest of which is that I read the bills, not the press releases. And like always, I encourage you to do the same.

Thank you,

Ginny Brown-Waite M.C.

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