Monday, October 4, 2010

Regarding CNN firing Rick Sanchez.......

I normally don't comment on the doings of the main stream media -- but...

I've only seen Rick Sanchez's programs a couple of times, while surfing up and down the channels. He seemed to be an arrogant, opinionated dunce with good hair. The term 'full of himself' comes to mind. Certainly placed well with his peer group on CNN.

Trying to find out what others thought, I was reading the KTLA Blog's item on the firing and then glanced down through the comments... There were the usual assortment of the good, the bad, and the ugly........

But then I came across this gem, and thought I'd share it and say no more!

"He can call every Republican, Conservative and TEA Party person a Bigot and CNN thinks that;s (sic) just fine, but let him call a fellow Lib one and he's out the door."

Ain't it the truth!!!

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