Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Justice stinks from the head......

There is an old proverb that I recollect, "A dead fish always stinks from the head first!" Our current Attorney General's attitude of Laissez Faire toward 'black on white' crimes seems to be traveling down the length of the judicial branch and smelling up the local courts.

Apparently an Allegheny County Judge recently rejected a plea agreement between a defendant's lawyers and the District Attorney's office. The charge? Fighting with a police officer during a traffic stop. The plea agreement, for a defendant with no prior criminal record, was to plead guilty to disorderly conduct and given three months probation. Even the arresting officer, who was not hurt in the altercation, agreed to the resolution of the case.

The sitting judge however, rejected it, saying it was, "a ridiculous plea agreement that only goes to white boys." Now it has nothing to do with the story so I didn't mention it, but the judge is black, the prosecutor and the defendant white! The judge went on to add, "I'm just telling you what my observation is. If this had been a black kid who did the same thing, we wouldn't be talking about three months' probation."

Wiser heads prevailed, the black judge recused himself from the case, and a substitute judge, upon hearing the evidence, approved the plea agreement.

You probably haven't heard about this case --- but I wonder if it was a white judge, and he refused an agreed upon plea agreement with a black youth, stating as a reason - 'black boys get too many breaks' if perhaps we might have heard some noise from Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or others of their ilk.

Naw, not really, I'm just kidding. I don't wonder... I know damn well the amount of frothing at the mouth in front of a TV camera we'd hear and see from the two of them!

Here's a link to the whole story: "Black judge rejects plead deal for 'white boy'.

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