Saturday, October 2, 2010

For the GOP, the good news just keeps coming.....

First -- the biggest mouth of the DNC, as well as one of it's most famous losers.... Bob Shrum, has predicted that the Dems will keep both Houses of Congress next month! Just to make sure you understand Shrum's bona fides in making such a prediction - look at his track record:

Bang up Bob worked on the unsuccessful presidential campaigns of:

Speech writer and/or campaign advisor:
Edmund Muskie
George McGovern
Jimmy Carter
Teddy (the Swimmer) Kenney
Dick Gephardt
Mickael Dukakis
Bob Kerrey
Al Gore
John Kerry

Big Bob -- is still looking for his first victory -- batting 0 for 8 !!!! Now whenever one of the 24/7 news shows can't find a liberal with a resume' to balance their panel they call on Big Bad Bob. He probably works for minimum wage and air time!

Now for the other big Bob news. Apparently White House spokesman, Baghdad Bob Gibbs is about to be anointed as the Chairman of the Dem National Party. I reckon this continues the current Dim Dem policy of filling the most important jobs with the least qualified guy.

Let's see now, Gibbs resume includes:

Spokesman for failed candidate John Kerry

Spokesman for Obamanation during this 20 month period when we saw BO's approval rating slide to a dismal 42% rating.

Give Gibbs this though, he did manage to raise
BO's Disapproval rating from a low of 15% on Inauguration day to the present 48%!!

What a guy --- yessirree bob, oops, I mean Bob! Happy Days are here again, Baghdad Bob is on the job!

Add Bob Woodward's book contribution to the Dem cause this month and we have a "Bobby Hat Trick" !!!

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