Monday, September 13, 2010

This entry is sooo ugly, I may pull it down tomorrow....

..... having satisfied my evil inner self and posted it today....

The desperate CNN, bottom feeder of all the cable channels, being whipped even by P
MSNBC, has really started grasping -- They are premiering a 'new show' (name later) at prime time, with two members of the 'Ruling Class' exchanging wit and witticisms, bits and bitticisms, for their the benefit of the half dozen viewers they enjoy at 8 PM.

Yessir, an admitted ex-governor whoremonger, NY Dem Eliot Spitzer, will sit knee to knee with her haughty supremeness, RINO blond, columnist Kathleen Parker in a whole new format.... duh.... two talking heads. Oh yes, the name of the show will be, cleverly enough, 'Parker - Spitzer', which one commenter so aptly pointed out sounds like the name of some porn show in itself.......

Oh My..... So, all you Dems, who hang on every word that Der Spitzermeister spits out, and you Republicans, that think that Parker's daily diatribe against Beck and Palin is a hoot, will love this show.............. stay tuned!!!!

Damn, I like this entry so much, I may leave it up more than one day...

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