Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Senate 'RINO's' just don't get it........

.... and continue to flounder about in Congress.

The soon-to-be ex-senator from Alaska, Lisa Murkowski, who was so disrespected in her own state that she was beaten in her own Republican primary by a virtual unknown with little money......

She, who was defeated fairly and squarely by her own party and has now in a fit of arrogance and spite, decided to become a 'spoiler' and screw up the November election as a write-in candidate.

She, who the Senate Republican leadership decided to strip of her key committee positions to ensure that she couldn't use them as a wedge against the GOP candidate in November....

Yep - her!! Well now Partners, the RINO's in the Senate - led by that bulwark of conscience, Orrin Hatch of Utah, have rethought the process and decided to let her keep her seniority on the Senate Energy Committee, as a 'matter of good taste'.

Don't taste good to me......... how about you folks?

(read more here on

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