Sunday, September 19, 2010

Obamanation's character assassination of John Boehner may backfire......

.... and blow up in his face! He has been bad mouthing, belittling and borderline psychotic in his attacks on the House Minority Leader. In one speech, he mentioned Boehner by name at least nine time in his elitist tirade.

The good news is that these histrionic hissy fits of BO seem to be having the opposite effect of that which he intended. Folks who never heard of John Boehner are now finding out that his is the perfect example of success in the American way. Born in near poverty, with 11 siblings, living in that house on the right, Boehner worked his way through college as a janitor, and then rose to success in private industry - before entering politics.

He is apparently, everything that Obamanation is not! The only things they seem to have in common are love of the game of golf, and a cigarette between holes. One is honest and forthright, the other == voted 'present' in all votes of import during his brief, greased, legislative career. And never had a real job in his life.

The shame of it is, America's main stream media doesn't seem too eager to share the facts. The London Telegraph does (why is it always a foreign newspaper that seems to get the American truth out?) a great job in their article Friday. From which I borrowed several lines and the two pictures for this post.

Ask yourself, why isn't this story on an American network, or even on an inside page of a major American newspaper?

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