Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mealy Mouth 101

.... or maybe I should label this one --- "Why I don't watch much TV anymore."

This morning as I was sitting at the breakfast table, the CBS Sunday Morning show was on the TV. It's usually a pretty laid back program with pretty laid back moderators, from the late Charles Kuralt to the current easy going Charles Osgood.

Anyway, just as I am about to dip into my softly poached egg on corned beef hash......... some hippy looking Hollywoody face mean spirited filled the screen and started excoriating (one of them new words I've been dying to use) Ben Stein for having the temerity (another one!) to complain about Obamation wanting to raised taxes on the wealthy.

Apparently Ms Linda McGibney writes scripts for the SyFy Channel. This of course makes her an expert on all things - including federal budgets, fiscal realities, and gob'mint spending. Hell, if they can't figure it out on the SyFy Channel -- where can they?

In any event, the lite, Liberal Linda's comments included, among other things:

- "All I have to say is, Ben Stein is wrong.
I am an American. I am in the highest tax bracket. I also work in entertainment - which is what Mr. Stein does as well. I am fine with the tax increase. I think it patriotic that I am taxed in this way. I want to help my country. "

She ranted on and added:

"I have always understood that the "haves" were greedy. This is the first time I've heard one of them express it out loud so openly.

I am a "have." I am willing to pay this tax increase. I'm not going to whine about it. I won't feel punished. I will understand it's the cost of doing business. "

Unfortunately, nobody asked this spoiled Gen X'er why, if she felt this way, she wasn't already sending in extra money with her tax return. I have never seen a single line entry on my annual #1040 tax form that precludes me from adding a few thousand extra tax dollars to help the gob'mint "do business". Of course, I didn't know the government was in 'business' , but that just me.

I am too lazy to dig out the numbers and bore you here, but folks who study such things have found and published summaries which point out that the rich liberals in this country are the most tight fisted, non-charitable giving, tax dodging group in the nation. Setting up trust funds, hiding money...... anything to avoid paying taxes.....

I think I'll leave the TV off until the golf comes on this afternoon...... it's easier on my ole' blood pressure!

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