Saturday, September 18, 2010

God Save our Honorable Supreme Court....

Once upon a time, long long ago, about 1782, a gob'mint was established which was designed as a system of checks and balances. To wit:

- A legislature which wrote the rules, and had approval authority over the presidents appointments to high federal office.

- A president (CEO) who executed the rules as set forth by the legislature and administrated the country according to the rules.

- A supreme court which decided if the rules were IAW the constitution that was created.

All went well for many years, until the 20th Century, when the legislative branch started handing over the rule making power to the CEO, and weakened their own position. And the court abstained because nobody brought complaints to it.

Now, in the young 21st century, in September of 2010, we find:

- Twenty states suing the CEO over a confiscatory health care plan

- The CEO suing one of the states (AZ) over it's immigration laws (which mirror the CEO's own rules)

- One of the states (TX) suing the CEO over his EPA rules which were not legislated, simply enacted. (see link)

- And many more being filed weekly.

I expect the low profile position the Court has maintained over the last half century is about to be elevated.. And there ain't nobody gonna be arguing about Roe V Wade.. that's just a mouse, when we have elephants running around the federal house.

Just my opinion.... what's yours Pardners?

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