So too, every election year in the fall, the Dimmocrats try to scare widows and orphans as to the ills that will befall them if those evil Republicans get into office. This year is no exception!
The difference being that this year, Obamanation has decided to instill fear in Seniors by threatening that the Republicans will destroy their Social Security savings if given half a chance. Here are a couple of sentences from his weekly address last Saturday:
"A few years ago, we had a debate about privatizing Social Security. ........... no one would want to place bets with Social Security on Wall Street; that everyone would understand why we need to be prudent about investing the retirement money of tens of millions of Americans."
Obviously, I took some liberties with that paragraph, so I have linked to the source so you can read as much as you like.. But Ole' Pecozbill's problem is simply this --- Do you reckon that our Dear Leader really believes that we are so durned stupid that we believe our years of Social Security payments are safely and prudently 'invested'? Surely not. For every citizen in this country knows that Social Security vault is plumb empty, 'cept for a truck load of IOU's from the Gob'mint itself!!
Hell, there ain't no money to invest.... the $14 TRILLION DOLLARS that the Gob'mint owes Social Security is just a small part of those $110 TRILLION DOLLARS of UNFUNDED LIABILITIES the Gob'mint carries on the books...
Go find another set of Rubes, Mr Potus, we ain't letting you whip away the football on the day after election again this year!!!!!
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