Friday, August 27, 2010

Are the Republicans forming up another Circular Firing Squad?

It seems to yours truly, that the Republicans, once again, are forming a circular firing squad to ensure that expected wins in November turn into losses .... i.e.,

- Florida - hints are coming that McCollum (the gubernatorial primary loser) is thinking of endorsing the Dem winner instead of the Republican that beat him in the primary! Bad news!

- Alaska - the National Republican Senate Campaign Committee (read incumbent retention committee) is flying their chief legal counsel up to Alaska to 'provide guidance' to Lisa Murkowski - who appears to be losing the primary to outsider, Palin and Tea Party endorsed Joe Miller.

- Arizona - after getting whupped by 24 points, JD (just dumb) Hayworth is refusing to congratulate or endorse Johnny Mac.

None of this bodes well. I thought the RNC learned it's lesson last fall -- it's not nice (or wise) to flaunt the conservative wing of their party or the conservative independents in this country --

Ahh well!! "Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?" Again?

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