Wednesday, June 3, 2009

You gotta look at the bright side, Pilgrims.....

While watching the new monarchy in D.C. firing private company CEO's, setting salary standards, and now nationalizing major corporations, I got to thinking about this whole 'nationalization' thing.

Unlike Europe and tin pot dictator run countries in in South America... we don't have a lot of experience to go by here in the United States of America. Certainly, the rail roads and coal companies were nationalized during WWII, but just for the 'duration', after which they were returned to private hands. HST tried to nationalize the steel companies but was, fortunately, thwarted by the Supremes.

The most current example of fed's nationalizing, would be Conrail, which was nationalized and taken over by the gob'mint in 1971-75. And what a success story it has been!!

Routes cut, service reduced, fares increased ........ and their last balance sheet, 30 Sept 2008, shows that with a gross revenue of $2.45 Billion ....... they err.... uhhh.... only LOST $1.13 Billion dollars......... hmmmm

With a track record (pun intended) like that with AMTRAK, you just gotta feel warm knowing that their are in the process of nationalizing everything they can lay their socialist little hands on................

Then again, maybe we ought to be gettin' HOT instead of feeling warm!!

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