Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Cut off our noses.......please!"

The Boston Globe, hemorrhaging red ink, like most print dailys, renegotiated contracts with their 'worker bees' successfully, the blue collar sorts.

However, the chosen ones, that is, the members of the Writers Guild, voted narrowly (by 12 votes) yesterday to reject any pay cuts to keep the paper from going down the toilet like so many others have recently........ from the Globe:

The Boston Globe's largest union tonight narrowly rejected $10
million in wage and benefit cuts, and about an hour later the paper's owner
declared an impasse in negotiations and imposed a 23 percent pay cut on the
union's members, effective next week.

The move by The New York Times Co., which said the Globe's dire
financial condition gave it no choice, could quickly shift the bitter
contract dispute from the bargaining table to the National Labor Relations
Board and federal courts. The Boston Newspaper Guild, which represents
nearly 700 editorial, advertising, and business office workers, has told
members it would file unfair labor practice charges with the board, and
seek a court order blocking the Times Co. from imposing the pay cut.

Yes sir, that's good union thinking, reject a 10% pay cut, get hit with a 23% pay cut and let those $500 per hour attorneys start racking up the legal fees. I wonder if the Guild's union officers will be taking a pay cut.............?

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