Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pssst, can I ask you Pilgrims a question?

Monday, after presenting the wreathe at the Tomb of the Unknowns, Obamanation sped off in his parade of CO2 belching SUVs to Ft Belvoir for a round of golf...... per Google news:

Obama plays golf after Memorial Day observance

Mon May 25, 5:44 pm ET

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama hit the golf course after marking his first Memorial Day as commander in chief.

The president's motorcade took him to Fort Belvoir in Virginia. That's where he went for a game of golf more than a week ago.

Obama grabbed his clubs after he participated in Memorial Day observances at Arlington National Cemetery. He laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns and, in brief remarks, saluted the men and women of America's fighting forces as "the best of America."

It was not immediately clear who joined the president for the round of golf.

Now don't misunderstand me folks, I got nothing against the POTUS playing around of golf, but I got to thinking about all the bad press that 'W' got when he played a round of golf during the War in Iraq . He even had to give the game up because of the constant negative publicity he received.

Now - here's the question: Did any of you see a picture of 'O', standing on the 1st tee an hour after the Memorial services on your evening news? Nope? Neither did I!! And us with two wars going on and men dying.....

Ain't that a wonderment? Oh, I did hear that he 'paused' for a moment at 3 PM in Honor of the millions of folks who have died in uniform protecting that White House he's rooming in. That was nice......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about poor Gerald Ford? Lost a whole election over Saturday Night Live coverage of his golf game.