Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just give 'em printing presses.......

Banks do it! Auto companies do it! Why not let all the cities do it? Sounds like an Broadway tune doesnt it.....

U.S. cities need national bailout agency: Rohatyn
May 6, 2009

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The architect of the 1970s financial rescue of New York City said on Wednesday the federal government should create a powerful national agency to bail out dozens of floundering U.S. cities.

Today, scores of cities and states are running billions of dollars of deficits. Some have suspended non-critical services by furloughing workers to save money. California and New York state have raised taxes, unpopular steps in a recession.

Unlike the U.S. government, which can print money to close deficits, states and cities are required to balance their budgets.

(Hot Damn, what a concept!!!)

Rohatyn said hard-pressed state and local governments should be temporarily allowed to run deficits instead of curtailing vital services.

If these governments cannot solve their deficits by themselves, then a national agency could step in, he said. That was how New York state's control board solved the city's budget crisis in the 1970s.


"I think there is a yawning need for a serious look at urban and state problems," Rohatyn said.

Rohatyn recalled that tens of thousands of city workers were laid off in just a few years while subway fares doubled.

Imagine that, raising the fares to their true value instead of using taxpayers money to offset losses -- what will they think of next

For the full article - go to:

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