Saturday, May 2, 2009

The 'Gray Lady' flaunts her expertise.......

The New York Times gave unions at the Boston Globe overnight to negotiate $20 million in concessions....

How great is that! The NY Times bought the Boston Globe for the ginormous amount of $1.1 Billion (for you folks enamored with Obamanations numbers, that would be $1.100,000,000) in 1993. Today's value is reported to be in the low class neighborhood of $20 million.....

Kinda like the Messiah has done to banks and automobile makers..... doncha' know! How far behind do you reckon the NY Times herself is from going down that circling toilet?

Do you reckon that loss of value is from loss of readership and advertising or from folks plumb tired of the paper's Left Wing rhetoric on the front page as well as the editorial page.........? We won't even address those unhappy topics of plagiarism or fictionalized news

Just wondering.....

By the way -- how many of you Pilgrims turn to the Times for your financial advice anymore?

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