Friday, May 29, 2009

Another day - another wild claim-

Figures lie - liars figure!! Our old friend Kofi Annan (you remember him, the former UN incompetent and Food For Oil gang member) has found a new scam -- as head of Global Humanitarian Forum - based in Geneva. I reckon, just like his pal Bubba & Al Gorebot, he decided you can't go home again after living off the fat of other peoples land.

First today's headline:

Climate change causes 315,000 deaths a year-report
28 May 2009 22:22:42 UTC
By Megan Rowling

LONDON, May 29 (Reuters) - Climate change kills about 315,000 people a year through hunger, sickness and weather disasters, and the annual death toll is expected to rise to half a million by 2030, a report said on Friday.

The study, commissioned by the Geneva-based Global Humanitarian Forum (GHF), estimates that climate change seriously affects 325 million people every year, a number that will more than double in 20 years to 10 percent of the world's population (now about 6.7 billion).

Economic losses due to global warming amount to over $125 billion annually -- more than the flow of aid from rich to poor nations -- and are expected to rise to $340 billion each year by 2030, according to the report.

"Climate change is the greatest emerging humanitarian challenge of our time, causing suffering to hundreds of millions of people worldwide," Kofi Annan, former U.N. secretary-general and GHF president, said in a statement.

"The first hit and worst affected are the world's poorest groups, and yet they have done least to cause the problem."

The report says developing countries bear more than nine-tenths of the human and economic burden of climate change, while the 50 poorest countries contribute less than 1 percent of the carbon emissions that are heating up the planet.

Annan urged governments due to meet at U.N. talks in Copenhagen in December to agree on an effective, fair and binding global pact to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, the world's main mechanism for tackling global warming.

Okay Pilgrims, let's get real. One Hundred Fifty Seven Million folks die on this planet every year! Yup, 157,000,000 souls pass on. Aside from the fact that WHO claims that 150,000 die because of global warming (a fact many dispute), where in Sam Hell does Kofi the Hustler, get his 315,000 figure..... probably out of a part of his anatomy we don't discuss.

And if it were true - his overblown numbers tell us that .002% of the worlds annual deaths are caused by the effect of global warming. Or putting it another way, if the entire civilized world gave up our standard of living (by his words) 156,685,000 will die instead of 157 million.

Give me a break!! Keep your eye on that Copenhagen meeting Pardners, they gonna get into your pants pocket again! If Obamanation has left anything in there for them to get!!!

Oh, just in case you were wondering, that cute little red car is the new one being introduced on the market in India..... experts predict that it will cause 150,000 vehicle deaths per year in that one country --- maybe if we just cancelled the car -- all this would balance out? Nahh!!

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