Thursday, April 23, 2009

Time to get 'O's handbook out again folks......

We have discussed Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' in here before -- but I reckon it's time to take another quick review. If you are clueless regarding Saul Alinsky, then you better do some homework - so you'll know why the country appears to be flushing down the toilet. (I'll post a link to some Cliff notes below)

In any event, after Obamanation and his handlers (puppeteer) tried to divert our attention (from the zillions of dollars he is giving to his cronies at ACORN and using to nationalize the banks and auto companies) by making Rush Limbaugh out to be the bad guy..... after that fizzled out!

When the resoundingly successful Tea Parties rose as a great anti-tax swell across the country -apparently someone in the White House said, "Quick! Back to Alinsky's Rule 12, it worked before - we can do it again.. "

"RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.) "

Thus, they targeted the two Americans already darkened by the left and the MSM, the former President and his Veep. Bush & Cheney!!

So within a week they have started a witch hunt normally only seen in banana republics and Marxist regimes - and have set Bush & Cheney up for headlines for months to come. Will anything come of it? Of course not -- and they know this. Hell, they would have to find half of the Congress and the courts guilty as well --

But that doesn't matter - they have diverted everybody's attention away from their own failings, wild spending and nationalization movements... Just like the better magicians misdirect our attention so we don't see their slight of hand, so too, this cabal of socialists inside the Beltway are trying to turn the attention of us great unwashed citizenry away from them and on these two patriots.

And love 'em or hate 'em, there is no one in this country that thinks for a minute that President Bush didn't do his damnedest to protect this country for eight years. That, Pilgrims - is a patriot!

So don't let the sleight of hand fool you -- keep your eye on the Black Jack! Not the Joker.....

For a quick glance at Saul Alinsky's Rules go to:

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