Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Keep your fingers crossed ----

With the 'O' man's proclivity for tours, as in his recent 'Apology Tour' in Europe, I sure hope he doesn't find it necessary to parade the good Captain Phillips and/or his crew thru the White House for a 'Self-Congratulations' tour and photo shoot.

Obamanation done good, the Navy did great, and the Seal Snipers did outstanding, let's hope they don't feel the need for some sophomoric victory dance in the end zone!

Just move on -------like it's was done in the spirit of 'business as usual'!

The last thing we need is another incident like when that idiot hung the 'Mission Accomplished' flag behind 'W'!!

Sure as shootin' Pilgrims, a couple of self-congratulatory pics on the world's front pages and any of several bad things will happen. More piracy with violence, international news releases showing pics of the 3 dead 'choir' boy pirates, all dressed in their 'go to mosque get ups', or something even worse.

We don't need it -- nor does the world!

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