Monday, March 31, 2008

Remember when the main stream press 'laid off' Chelsea Clinton ....

.... 'cause she was young, homely, not bright, and a Democrat saddled with the sick First Couple as parents. But they ignored the Bush Gals when they went to public high schools and public universities and then served all over the world in volunteer organizations..... but then they piled on when they had two beers --- kinda like the kids we all know!

Chelsea Clinton Criticizes Bush in N.C.
By ERIN GARTNER (31 Narch)

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - Chelsea Clinton returned Monday to North Carolina, telling college students that the world will "breathe a sigh of relief" once President Bush leaves office. Clinton spoke Monday during a town hall meeting with students at North Carolina State University. She later moved on to Peace College in Raleigh to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Clinton told about 250 people at N.C. State that her mother, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, would work to repair the nation's reputation abroad.
"I think the world will breathe a sigh of relief when this president is gone," Clinton said, criticizing Bush for pulling out of various accordings, including the Kyoto Protocol on global warming.

Like him or not, I cannot remember when a sitting President showed more respect and dignity toward a past president than George Bush has shown to the Phirst Philanderer and his Enabler.

And from her comments (above) now it is payback time -- classless Clinton style --- guess the tipsy little daughter didn't fall far from the tree!

Here is a picture you didn't see on the front page of the Times!

My God!! That Hellary has been everywhere....

Kinda brings a tear or two to your eyes - jess thinkin' about all the wonderful things this good woman has done for this country....... and never seekin' any credit for it, either!!!

As Martha Stewart might say.....

... the common sense and judicial wisdom and restraint shown by our American Court System is "a good thing"! This from

Deters rips $1M bond in theft case

Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters was so stunned by the $1 million bond set Thursday for a man accused of a $21 theft from 1990 that he wouldn’t object to the man being freed.

“It’s a bit silly. The judge must have been having a bad day,” Deters said today of Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge Richard Bernat.

Gary Weaver, 41, of Owingsville, Ky., came before Bernat on Thursday charged with disorderly conduct.

Weaver was arrested Wednesday at the Drake Motel in Sycamore Township and charged with cutting himself with a razor following the recent death of his brother and mother.

Weaver pleaded guilty to that charge Thursday and Bernat sentenced him to the one night he’d just spent at the Hamilton County Justice Center.

But another charge against Weaver also was on the books, a theft charge from 18 years ago.

In that case, Weaver was accused of theft of $21.64 from a Loveland store, paying for those goods with rolls of dimes that employees later discovered were rolls of pennies with dimes on each end.

Bernat, who didn’t return calls, ordered the original bond imposed on the case – $1 million – and refused to lower it.

That resulted in Weaver being housed in the Justice Center – which Sheriff Simon Leis Jr. has said is often overcrowded and has unsuccessfully campaigned for a tax increase to pay for a new jail – at least until the case is presented to a grand jury in 10 days.

That upset Hamilton County Public Defender Lou Strigari. “I think it’s an outrageous bond,” he said today. “How can you argue that the jail is full and then set a bond like this?”

Strigari is so upset he plans to file a motion Monday with the 1st District Court of Appeals, seeking to have the bond lowered – and Strigari has an ally in that in the prosecutor.

“We would not object to a lower bond,” Deters said.

Deters is fine with releasing Weaver without requiring any money being posted. “We need jail space for real criminals,” he said.

Bond is intended to ensure that someone who has been arrested will make his court appearances. The theory is that if someone posts money to be released from jail while his court case is pending, that is incentive to ensure the person arrested will come back to court. If that person doesn’t appear, the government keeps the money.

If Strigari is successful and Weaver is released, that will save taxpayers the $65 per day it costs to house each inmate at the Justice Center.

Earlier in the week, Bernat shocked defense attorneys when he refused to set a bond on three men accused of trying to sell between $10 million-$15 million in cocaine to undercover police.

That means no matter how much money the men posted, Bernat won’t release them.

Go on now -- go back and read that second to last para one more time. Is this a great country or what? Is this "Les Miserables" revisited in America?

Murtha & Time Mag - 0 vs Marine Warriors - 8 !!

,,,,, its a shutout!!! But still frauds and jerks like Murtha get camera time... and stay on the Federal pad! From Newsmax:

Jack Murtha & Time: So Far, So Wrong

Last week's development in the Haditha case -- the dropping of all the charges leveled against Lance Cpl. Stephan Tatum for actions related to Haditha, Iraq -- drives another nail into the shameful accusations made by Time magazine and Rep. John Murtha.

Time magazine, with an assist from the Pennsylvania Democrat, sparked a legal and media inquisition against eight courageous United States Marines. Both Time and Murtha claimed these Marines committed cold-blooded murder in Haditha during a 2005 engagement.

They also alleged the Marines participated in covering up their alleged atrocities.

But after years of litigation and estimated $40 million in taxpayer funds expended, none of the Marines have been found guilty of committing murder or war crimes.

On Nov. 19, 2005, during an insurgent ambush of the Marines of Kilo Company 3rd battalion 1st Marines, 15 Iraqi civilians and nine suspected insurgent ambushers were killed. One Marine was killed in an IED explosion and two others seriously wounded.

Thanks to the battalion intelligence officer, Lt. Jeff Dinsmore, who monitored the daylong engagement, the entire Marine chain of command were given the full story of the engagement that very night and it was agreed that no further action in connection with the civilian casualties was needed.

Months later, a Time story based on the testimony of two known insurgent propagandists and the stories of some Iraqi civilians falsely reported that the Kilo company Marines had wantonly murdered the dead Iraqis as an act of revenge after an IED explosion took the life of a fellow Marine.

On the basis of Time's unsubstantiated allegations alone, Murtha publicly charged the Marines had gone on a rampage to avenge the killing of their comrade in the IED explosion and had committed cold-blooded murder. Time has been forced to issue four different retractions of details in their report.

Before any investigation had gotten underway Murtha went on a rampage of his own, attacking the Marines in venue after venue. In his original charges against the Marines, Murtha said there was no gunfire during the incident when there was in fact a daylong battle involving heavy insurgent gunfire directed at the Marines starting at the time of the IED explosion.

Typical of Murtha’s rantings were his comments on a May 28, 2006, ABC News broadcast. In response to George Stephanopolis’ comment that he claimed to have been briefed several times since Nov. 19 and said that that the evidence showed that the Marines had committed cold-blooded murder, Murtha said:

“Well there’s no question in my mind, what happened was an IED exploded. It killed one Marine. And then a taxi drives up. When the taxi comes up there’s four of five people in it. And they shoot … shoot those four or five people unarmed.

“And then they go on a rampage throughout the houses and kill people. One woman, as I understand it, in talking to officials in the Marine Corps, was kneeling over a child pleading for mercy and they shot her in cold blood. That’s the thing that’s so disturbing. And even more disturbing is the fact that we know that the Iraqis knew about it because they made payments to the Iraqis for accidental deaths or salacious deaths whatever you want to call it. And in addition to that, they had … there has to have been a cover-up of this thing.”

In other comments, Murtha alleged that the Marines had never encountered enemy gunfire. The claim was a total concoction. In fact, the Marines engaged in a daylong battle involving heavy insurgent gunfire immediately following the IED explosion.

Murtha claimed to have been given all these details from then-Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Hagee. Hagee denied it.

Since Murtha’s reckless claims, none of the Marines ended up facing murder charges. Five of the eight have had all charges dropped against them and only three still face courts martial and none for murder.

The evidence produced in the cases showed that Time and Murtha were dead wrong in their charges.

There was no rampage, no cold-blooded murders of innocent Iraqis. Yet eight United States Marines were subjected to an ordeal that has wrecked their careers and cost them tens of thousands of dollars in legal costs. We can "thank" Time and Murtha for this outrage.

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Whatever happened to "Once a Marine -- Always a Marine"??