Monday, December 29, 2008

What the hell is this country turning into.....?

According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports - in the year 2007 there were 9.8 million crimes against property in the United States. This included about 2.2 million burglaries, 6.6 million larceny-thefts, and 1.1 million car thefts.

Now that may sound like a whole lot of crime going on -- in fact the total loss in all of these 9.8 million crimes was $17.6 Billion. That’s a whole lotta bucks.

Pilgrims, I can’t even make a wild ass guess as to how many lives this effected, how many victims suffered irrecoverable damage. How many criminals were convicted and sentenced to how many years in jail… Millions of years in jail - at least. Probably a lot of these criminals are still sitting in jail waiting for trial. Who knows?

What Ole’ Pecozbill on about you ask? Here’s what;

Bernard Madoff, New York mastermind of the greatest fraud in history - is awaiting trial for stealing $50 BILLION. That is $50,000,000,000! Is he incarcerated? He stole more money that all of the theft crimes in this country in an entire year TIMES THREE. What jail is he in? He ain’t!

Nosiree -- Ole’ Bernie the thief, has been placed under house arrest and is not allowed to leave his $7,000,000 New York City penthouse..

Folks have been robbed of millions and ruined -- at least one has committed suicide ---- and there sit’s ole’ Bernie - livin’ the good life.

And folks wonder why honest hard working citizens in this country, and not just the ones whose retirement plans have gone bust, whose money managers have closed shop and gone off to start anew or been bailed out with their tax dollars ---- are getting short tempered and angry~

It’s time for a change in this country all right!!

In the white collar courthouses for starters!

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