Monday, November 5, 2007

Hell, the election is over -- the Fat Lady ain't sang yet but....

Former Veep Walter Mondale has spoken!! And if anybody knows how to pull off a Presidential win (or even a Senatorial win for that matter) it's "Landslide" Mondale. He let Reagan squeak by with a bare majority of 49 states and 525 out of 538 electoral votes! Give him credit though, unlike Al Gorbot and the Breck gal in later elections, he did carry his home state!!

Mondale: "Clinton best-suited for presidency." Hillary Clinton is not only the Democrat most likely to win the 2008 presidential election, but the candidate with the best chance of bringing about real change, according to former Vice President Walter Mondale, who endorsed Clinton Sunday in Iowa.
After surveying a field of Democrats that includes a number of "old friends," Jimmy Carter's vice president said Clinton is best-suited for the job."It just seems to me that Hillary is most prepared to take over the presidency and suited to make the tough decisions that we're going to have to make in the years ahead," Mondale said in phone call after appearing with Clinton in Clinton.
Despite claims by other campaigns that Clinton's high negatives make her unelectable, Mondale has no worries. He pointed to a recent New York Times poll showing that just 5 percent of Democrats say they won't vote for Clinton."She's very electable," said Mondale, who won the Democratic nomination in 1984 only to lose to Ronald Reagan. "She's the only candidate who is ahead of all the Republicans and all the Democrats in the polls.
Since it's Election day today and our Texas ballot is plumb boring I thought I'd share Mondales ramblings.... So you heard it right 'cheer! From the Minnesota prophet......!

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